Working Papers:
"How do Procurement Contracts Matter for Cost-effectiveness of Output Subsidies? An Equilibrium Analysis for the Texas Wind Power Industry". Revise and resubmit at International Economic Review.
"Market Power, Industry Concentration and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Costa Rica", with Daniela Córdoba and Alberto Vindas.
Work in Progress:
"The Value of Forward Markets: An Equilibrium Analysis of Capacity Markets in the U.S. Power Sector", with Jeff Cross.
"How Does Hedging in Energy Financing Affect Forward Prices? Evidence from Wind Power Purchase Agreements", with Gaurav Doshi.
"Welfare Effects of Wind and Solar Output Losses Due to Extreme Weather: Evidence from the Texas Gulf Coast", with Qinzheng Xu
"Understanding the Role of Market Power on the Pass-Through Effect of Gasoline Prices", with Daniela Córdoba, Alberto Vindas, and Juan Robalino